New Delhi: Malayalam survival thriller "Manjummel Boys" will be available for streaming on Disney+ Hotstar from May 5, the streamer announced on Saturday. The hit movie, written and directed by Chidambaram, hit the theatres on February 22 in Kerala and Tamil Nadu, and received widespread acclaim from audience and critics."Manjummel Boys" also became the highest grossing Malayalam film by earning over Rs 200 crore and surpassing the record set by "2018", India's official entry to 2024 Academy Awards.In a press release, Disney+ Hotstar said the film will be available on its platform in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam and Kannada languages.Based on a true incident and produced by Parava Films, "Manjummel Boys" revolves around a group of friends from a small town called Manjummel near Kochi who decide to have a vacation in Kodaikanal.Soubin Shahir, Sreenath Bhasi, Balu Varghese, Ganapathi S. Poduval, Lal Jr, Deepak Parambol, Abhiram Radhakrishnan, Arun Kurian, Khalid Rahman, Chandu Salimkumar, Shebin Benson, and Vishnu Reghu round out the cast of the film. PTI